I really enjoyed the talks today for conference. In the last session, as I was listening to nearly the last talk, I was thinking that I'd heard alot of wonderful messages during the conference, but I wanted to hear something in particular that helped me in my role as a mother. The very next talk was Elder Ballard, and guess who his talk was directed towards? Yep. Mothers. But not just mothers, but mothers of young children. Another tender mercy of the Lord. I was pretty emotional as I listened and was reminded of the importance of mothers. One of the very first things he said was that there is no role more essential than the role of mother, but there is no perfect way to mother. What matters is the way mothers love their children and husband and sets her priorities with them in mind. He went on to pose some questions and answers to those regarding mothers. Here's a few of my notes (not quotes!):
Q: How can mothers reduce pressure and enjoy the family more?
A: Joy comes in moments. Live in those moments and enjoy the season of life you're in. Don't overschedule yourselves or your children - need unstructured time, to listen and laugh. Find some time for yourself ("water cannot be drawn from an empty well"). Don't get caught up in time-wasting activities like TV or surfing the internet. Pray, study, teach the gospel.
Q: What can husbands do to more fully support mothers (or wives)?
A: Show extra appreciation and acknowledge the things they do. Set aside time to talk about each child's individual needs and how they can help with each child. Give mothers a day away from home. Have a night out (date nights!) often.
Q: What can children do to help mothers?
A: Do chores, without being asked. Give hugs and tell mothers you love them.
Q: What can the church do to help mothers?
A: Be considerate of time and resource demands on mothers, especially those with young children.
I was grateful for the words of encouragement and reminder of what a great responsibility mothers have to nurture and raise their families in righteousness. I will try to be a better wife and mother.