Friday, January 11, 2008

good-bye Australia

We're signing out...we're pretty much all packed up. We leave in about 5 hours to go to the bus station (5:30 am)- a bright and early start to a long and dreary day. Hopefully it won't be too bad. We'll see how it goes... We take a 3-hour bus ride at 6:30am to Sydney. Our flight leaves at 1:30pm. After the 13.5 hour flight into LA, we fly to Chicago and then into Tulsa, getting in at about 7:15pm Oklahoma time (about 12:15pm on Sunday in Australia). So we just miss about a day...

We enjoyed our time here in Australia. It was hard at times, but it was worth it. The boys probably won't remember it, but we left our mark on Australia. We met some wonderful people and hopefully we will be back again someday. Until we meet again...

G'day Mate!


Melissa said...

What an experience! Hope all goes well on the plane.

hollase said...

i'm dying to visit australia. keith's parents are on a plane right now on their way down there.

it sounds like you had an amazing time. i hope you are all having an easy time getting over the jet lag and the shock of being back in winter air:)