I've been working on a project that has made me a little neglectful today. The boys have been watching videos, fighting over toys, and entertaining themselves. And Jared was helping himself to the bag of suckers. After about the 4th sucker, I figured I better intervene. I told Jared he couldn't have any more and a tantrum quickly followed. I decided it was a good time to take a shower for the day, since it was about 4:30...
Anyway, I shut the door and hoped that he would forget about it. He screamed for at least 5 minutes and then it got quiet. I thought he'd given up. I got out of the shower and heard a cute little snore coming from the other side of the door. Yep, he'd fallen asleep right there on the floor. This kid can fall asleep anywhere when he's tired...
Anyway, today was one of those "bad mom" days. Don't try to comment and tell me I'm a good mom- I don't want any sympathy. And I know there's some other bad moms out there today too. Maybe I'll play with them tomorrow...
I will say this though, I'm glad I'm not the only one out there. ;)
I have days like that too.
you crack me up annie. it's hard trying to entertain the kiddies whilst pregnant.
From one bad mom to another, hang in there!
Too funny! Made me laugh! Anybody who says they haven't been there...can't be being honest with themselves!!! :) It seems like that some days (especially while being pregnant!) you just feel hormonal and therefore less patient too...can't help it!! I had one of those days yesterday!!!
If it makes you feel any better, I let my baby cry (safely in his bed) while I took a shower at noon today. Sounds cruel but what do you do when your baby wants to be held all day? I hope your baby will be happy wherever he is. Good luck!
I think we've all had those days. Ok, looking to the left, I'm pretty sure. It's sad we have to label ourselves "bad moms" when we take a much needed break, or try to get something done. At least he got a nap in! :)
You make me laugh...I'll admit I have a few pictures of my beasties fallen asleep in odd places on my numerous "bad mommy" days!
You've inspired me! I'm totally going to do a post on all the random places my Alex falls asleep.
You can come over and hang out with me anytime. We'll be bad moms who let our kids eat too much sugar together.
Oh you are too funny "don't try to comment to tell me I'm a good mom" We have all been there. I think it is those trying times of our patience that do make us a good mom. Jacob screamed the entire 10 minutes in Walgreens yesterday demanding that we buy a huge bag of kisses. Jacob- yes- 20 months old- I'm not ready for the terrible 2's 3's and 4's!! I can't believe he fell asleep though- how cute.
He does fall asleep anywhere!! thats hilarious! really it cracks me up and sooo understandable...
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