I love watching Weston snooze (sometimes he ends up with funny expressions). He is so fun to hold because he still curls his legs up so tight. He has gotten pretty particular about where he sleeps. His favorite is being held by mama, of course, and his next favorite spot is laying next to mama in her bed. Lately, the only way he will go back to sleep in the early morning hours is if he's right next to me. I really don't want him sleeping in our bed, but we do have to get sleep too. The only other place he sleeps is in the carseat. He has yet to sleep well in the pack 'n play. It's funny how we have to adapt and do things differently with each kid. I never thought I'd be "resorting" to the carseat or having them in our bed - I feel like we're starting bad habits, but I guess that's the way it is right now if we want to get any sleep. (I've always been opposed to having a "family bed". I think Weston knows what he's doing. Is it possible for them to be manipulative at 2 weeks old?)
Weston did sleep through the night a few times this week (in his carseat) - he did an 8, 7, and 6 hour stretch. That was a nice break from the "up every hour" that seems to be the norm for the nighttime. It still takes him at least an hour to go back to sleep and sometimes he's been up for FOUR hours, mostly just wanting to nurse - that's what really takes it out of me. By the way, Da-da seems to be "no good" when it comes to holding him. Weston only likes mama...
Oh we know exactly how that goes. Nicholas refused to sleep in his pack n' play for 6 months. And for the first couple of months it would take Mike and I hours to get him down, we had to put him in the carseat just right, rock him just so, and then put the pacifier in at the right moment. Good thing he was our first because I would've gone nuts if I'd had other kids to deal with too. So he won with the carseat for a long time, but I set my foot down and refused to let him in our room. Maybe he's deprived, he hasn't slept in our bed once. But I have no idea what it's like with a second (third or fourth) squirt. I'm just hoping I can ignore the fatigue enough to get him/her to sleep by themselves. I'm crossing my fingers our second will be one of those mellow, easy babies (knowing me I'll get the opposite). But it all goes by so quickly doesn't it? Hang in there, and Weston will be on a mission in a blink of an eye.
Weston is adorable. Sleep deprivation is miserable though. Good luck!
I think Weston has the cutest little nose I've ever seen :)
Can you figure a way to doze while nursing?
Dfs (we can't figure out who you are, by the way) - I have done some nursing while laying down. I haven't perfected that skill, but it works...
Ah! DFS, we figured it out. We were just thinking about it too hard... the previous comment threw us off, about "old OK friends". We certainly won't forget about you!
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