I looked out the window and what did I see? 3 chickens! (We don't live in the country, so I was surprised to see them in our yard.) We asked around to see if any of our neighbors had chickens, thinking they may not have known they were out and about. The owners of the chickens were not home, but the other neighbor next to them said they just wander around from time to time. They weren't scared of us at all - we've got some very friendly neighbors... I thought it was cute to see the boys following those chickens around.

Too funny! Your boys are so darling! Just seeing their cute selfs make me smile. :)
I wish we could have chickens!!!! The boys are so cute. When does the next little mister join the world?
What a life! Chickens, the beach, an adventureland for a back yard! Lucky you! :) Miss you!
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