Friday, March 18, 2011

8 months

He's a pretty happy kid most of the time.  His new thing is a little "ah-ah-ah-ah" sound, and he's just figuring out sitting up by himself.  He's been able to sit up since about 6 months, but just won't do it.  He mostly likes to be on the go, with no time for sitting still.  Yesterday was his first experience with grass, so he was pretty excited about that.  I was able to capture him sitting up for longer than a few seconds.  He still is trying to figure out crawling too, but loves to rock back and forth and does the army crawl well.  I have a feeling he'll be pretty high energy and ornery.  He can't even sit still anymore when he's nursing - he's either rocking or he latches on and then tries to look around while still eating.  He reminds me of Jared, who didn't like to be held.  He nursed and then immediately started pushing away - which is good in some ways.  It's easy to put him to bed.  He pushes away, almost to say, "Just put me down" and I put him in the bed and he falls asleep on his own.  Sometimes I wish he was a little more cuddly though. 


Melissa said...

You have such darling boys!

Mamapierce said...

I love how different each of your boys are, Annie. It's so fun to watch them grow up. :D

whitney said...

I can't even believe he's that old! Georgia's always been a "just put me down" type too and it definitely comes with it's pros and cons.