Saturday, October 4, 2014

Happy 30th to Alison!

 While I was in TX, I collected a bunch of pictures of Alison.  When I got home, I had about a week to put together a scrapbook for Alison's 30th birthday, with pictures from each year.  The pages were really simple, but I think Alison (and her kids) still enjoyed it.  I ended up doing about 67 or so 8.5 x 11 pages (more than I originally planned - but I couldn't fit all the important pictures in 1 page per year).  Anyway, I scanned all of the pages when I was done (not as good quality as the originals).  Here are some of them:

Cover pages of two 3-ring binders

young child




Her 3 kiddos

After I finished the regular pages, I thought it would be fun to find some pictures of her with nieces and nephews.  

The most time consuming part of this project was finding, organizing, and scanning the pre-digital pictures and trying to put together a timeline.  It was a little difficult without Alison's input.  I may have guessed wrong on some of them.  (I never did find a picture from when Audrey and Alison played on the Wildfire soccer team together, with Dad as coach - that was probably the biggest injustice of her teenage years...)
Hopefully she can fix or add to what I put together.  It was fun to try to capture her 30 years - she is really amazing and has accomplished so many things!  I admire her - especially her dedication to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to being a great wife and mother.   And she is a great Auntie Ali!

Happy birthday Alison!

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