Thursday, February 20, 2020

Super sixteen

It's hard to believe that Nathan turned 16 this year!  He didn't want a party, but our friends threw a small impromptu surprise party for him, complete with a "date kit", with some funny tips and jokes for dating.  He mostly got money for his birthday, with a cheesy homemade card.  He got his requested meals - bacon, eggs, and pancakes for breakfast, stroganoff, peas, and rolls for dinner, and apple pie for dessert.  

Nathan finally did his first driver's training with an instructor, so he can now legally practice driving with us.  He has driven a few places around town.  He needs quite a bit more practice, but seeming a little more comfortable driving.  It's still pretty nerve-wracking!  He needs to complete 2 more training sessions with an instructor before he takes a driving test.  He might have his license in a few more months.  

Nathan is working hard in sports and school.  He also had a spiritual experience recently, which he shared in testimony meeting at church.  He'd had a busy night, having a basketball game and lots of homework.  He still hadn't finished his homework, but it was 10:30pm and he needed to wake up at 5:00am the next morning.  He said a prayer before bed that he would somehow have time to get his work done before his class.  He got that chance when he showed up to 6:00am basketball and the coach said they would have study hall during practice time.  Nathan recognized his prayer was answered.  

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