You love it and hate it at the same time - at least I do. Shoe shopping. I really hate shopping in general, but I guess I like the new things once I find it, choose it, and get it home. The process is not fun. But I found something much more satisfying than buying new shoes for me...buying new shoes for Alex! I was so excited to bring home some shiny black shoes for Alex. He's been wearing these ratty brown shoes for 10 years! He wore them on his mission and has been wearing them ever since. You have to compliment them on the quality, but it is time to say good-bye to the brown shoes... well, Alex has worn them in so well that he refuses to part with them. But maybe he'll start wearing the black ones to church and places where I have to be seen with him. ;) He can wear them to school...
With my sister's upcoming wedding and wearing black slacks and black skirts, we definitely had to get some new shoes. He absolutely couldn't wear those brown ones with a black pair of slacks. And I got some nice shiny black shoes as well...
Oh, and what's even better about these shoes? Alex's shoes were 50% off ($20) and mine I got for $3 at Payless! Love that.

That's what Aaron wanted for Father's day, but we never got around to it. He goes through shoes so quickly - even the expensive ones. I guess being on your feet 10-24 hours a day will do that.
ugh, the dreaded mission shoes...(don't get me wrong, they obviously "served" their purpose right?) Jared can't part with his either, I forced him to buy a new pair of black shiney shoes for work. good pick. they are smashing.
Oooo, I love new shoes. You did so well. They are so handsome (and yours are so cute...good pick)...and who doesn't LOVE a great deal to go with it. Great job, Annie!
Love getting new shoes and love getting a great deal even better. Have fun at the wedding.
That is soo funny. Josh is the same way. We got him a new pair of shoes for our wedding; yet he won't stop wearing his mission shoes! I try to get him to wear his new shiny shoes at church and occasionally he does, but he still loves his mission shoes. Hopefully, Alex will be able to part from his a lot sooner than Josh. Good luck!
Your boys are beautful. Good luck with your third pregnancy. The first trimester is always such a scary time! I've heard the third is the hardest too. The kids outnumber the adults! Good job getting your husband some new dress shoes. My husband's the same way. It's like pulling teeth to get him to even walk into a shoe store. I finally got him to buy a new pair of leather shoes to replace his eight year old doc martins his mother had bought him before we had even dated eachother!
Cute shoes. I love shoes, but hate to pay for them--you got a great deal. My hubby won't buy new shoes either. I finally had to just toss the shoes his parent's got him before we got married. You can only have a pair resoled so many times before nothing more can be done!!!
Spencer's sooo the same way. I finally got him to let me buy him a new pair for Valentine's Day (romantic, huh;). Gotta love those old mission shoes, huh.
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