Wednesday, November 28, 2007

trial or tender mercy?

Well, we're still on the way to Australia. We made it from Tulsa to Denver and to San Francisco, but we're still in SF. We got on the plane and then sat there for 3 HOURS waiting to take off (Jared had a really hard time falling asleep- he was really fussy on the flight to SF. )

Anyway, another plane heading to Sydney was having maintenance problems so they were moving some of the passengers (higher class) to our plane. So they had to move their luggage also. Then because of added passengers, they needed more fuel and catering. Then they had to switch crews and do paperwork and such. Well, 3 hours later, they cancelled our flight. The boys were already sound asleep AND they didn't do baggage re-claim, so we headed out with just our carry-ons. We didn't have a change of clothes and I didn't even have a toothbrush with me. Anyway, I guess we didn't have to tote around all our stuff. And they gave us motel and meal vouchers at least. We finally got to the motel at about 4:00am our time. Long day. It seemed like such a trial, but maybe it was a "tender mercy," because we got to spend the day with my brother and his family in San Francisco. Yeah for family! We were able to rest a little bit before we head out again for our long flight.

We missed the train we were supposed to take today, but we got bus tickets instead. The bus leaves from the airport so we don't have to worry about getting a taxi or anything. And the bus gets in around 5:00pm, so we have time to get a rental car, which happens to be just around the corner from the bus station. So it is all working out. We'll see if we fly tonight...

In the meantime, we're enjoying getting to see Mike, Carrie, Nicholas, and Brenda (Carrie's mom, who picked us up from the motel.)


Mamapierce said...

Wow, what struggles you're having! I hope you all get there in one piece! :o) Keep us posted!

Emma said...

What a trip. It must be nice to have family nearby, so the time isn't wasted!
I have a friend whose husband flew out to Australia today. Unfortunately, it was because his dad died. We talked about the long flight and missing and gaining a day. Good luck.