Sunday, November 13, 2011

13.1 and lessons learned

I finished.  I wasn't planning on doing the race until earlier this week when I decided I'd give it a try.  I had been increasing my mileage and doing 6-7 mile runs.  The most I did in training was about 9 miles.  I thought I could push out the last part of the race.  I was pretty nervous at the beginning of the race, not knowing if I'd have a good day or if my knee would allow me to finish.  I've had problems with my right knee and have gradually tried to increase my mileage.  It's been working.  I just shouldn't have attempted a race I hadn't properly trained for.  I did pretty well for the first 8-9 miles, but during the 9th mile, I knew my knee was about to start hurting.  By the 10th mile, my knee checked out.  Normally in my training, that's the point where I stop and walk and I'm done running.  My pride just wouldn't allow me to do that in the race.  I only had 3 miles left and I didn't want to quit.  I ran-walked the last part of the race.  I ran until the pain was unbearable, walked for a little bit and tried to run again.  It was a pretty slow 3 miles.  I couldn't bring myself to walk in front of the crowds at the finish, so I jogged about the last half mile, which was very painful.  My knee almost completely gave out right at the end, but I did cross the finish.  It was fun to see Alex and the boys there (Nathan was at a soccer game).  I'm grateful that Alex has allowed me to take the time to go running.

You'd think I feel a sense of accomplishment for having finished, but I walked away feeling unfulfilled.  That wasn't the feeling I was going for, but I guess my goal was just to finish and I did that.  I was mostly disappointed that I couldn't finish out strong.  I'm used to kicking it in at the end of a race and being totally exhausted.  I still had energy left.  Just makes me want to try again so I can do better.

Anyway, I did realize that not quite ready IS not quite ready.  I shouldn't have tried something I wasn't properly trained for.  But, I also know that a half marathon is a very do-able race.  When you think about running 13 miles, it seems really overwhelming.  But if you just gradually do a little bit more, you can keep increasing your mileage easily.  When I first started jogging again a few months after Weston was born, I could barely run around the block.  I felt awful.  But it gets better as you keep at it.  Don't immediately give up when you first start.  It's no fun trying to start running, but you'll love the way you feel after you get into a rhythm.

In case you're wondering what I've been doing and how I've had time, here you go.  My training has consisted of jogging for 5 days a week, just an easy pace.  I never run on Sunday, and usually don't run on Wednesday either.  So I have 2 days off.  I have been getting up at about 6:00am and doing 3-4 miles before Alex leaves for work on Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays (usually about 30-40 minutes of jogging).  I push Weston and Owen in the jogging stroller on Monday morning.  I did some longer runs (5-6 miles) with them, since I had more time and had to go more slowly.  They have been good sports.  I do my longer runs on Saturday, but didn't ever run more than about 1.5 hours.  That's only 3.5 to at most 4 hours per week devoted to jogging - not that much time, considering it's easy to spend much more time on the computer... think about how much time you're on-line (or maybe watching TV or whatever).

The good thing about these endurance runs is you don't have to worry about going fast, at least not until you get serious and start trying to run for time.  Just find a nice easy pace and go.

If you don't have other issues, like knee problems, you're golden.  Go for it.  Just don't try to do too much too soon, like I did.  


Monday, November 7, 2011

raspberries and virtual birthday parties

I got to watch my nephew Dallin's birthday party on-line last night.  It was his 1st birthday and also a special gender reveal party for my sister Alison's 2nd baby.  They had the ultrasound technician put the gender in an envelope, and then they gave that to a friend who made filled cupcakes for Alison and Micah with either raspberries or blueberries.  Dallin got to dig into the cupcake to reveal whether he was getting a sister or brother.  There were raspberries in the middle - another girl!  We're all very excited because there is only one girl out of 10 amongst my siblings.  Hailey will finally have a girl cousin.  So fun!

The downside of these on-line birthday parties is not being able to eat any of the cupcakes!  Owen was pretty disappointed he couldn't have a cupcake.  "I want one Mama!"  Good thing we still have plenty of halloween sweets around, right?  Well, maybe not so much.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


...FOUR boys in the tub!  

Mostly, Nathan and Jared get in the shower together and Weston and Owen take a bath together.  Occasionally, they all want to get in the tub together.  I had to take a picture while I still have the opportunity. I bet Nathan won't want to take a bath with his brothers much longer.

caught being good

Nathan has a cool reward system in his class at school.  He can earn "money" based on good work and good behavior to be used at the teacher's "store" once a month.  They can buy some really neat things, such as Legos.  I have been really impressed with him.  He buys one thing for himself and then buys things for his brothers.  He knows Owen really likes Buzz Lightyear right now, so he bought that for him.  He also got Jared a wooden toy that he can put together and paint - perfect for Jared because he seems to enjoy doing art and things like that.  I love that he's thinking about his brothers.

On a side note, Nathan's teacher really has things figured out with this reward system.  It's great motivation for Nathan, since he's reward-driven, so he does extra work to earn more money.  But it also can work against you for poor behavior or choices.  I guess one kid in his class brought a toy to school, which is not allowed.  His teacher took the boy's toy and put it in her store.  The other kids in her class can buy it if they want to!  And they can also have money taken away from them.  It's a pretty fair system and encourages good choices.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

scripture power

The primary children (ages 3-11) had their program in sacrament meeting this past Sunday.  The primary theme for the year is "I know the scriptures are true."  Nathan, Jared, and another boy named Justin started off the program singing a song called "Scripture Power".  They did so well, and I'm proud of them for being brave enough to sing in front of everyone.  They also did really well on their speaking parts.  I had the opportunity to play the piano for the program since my new calling is the primary pianist (in addition to activity days leader).  It has to be one of the best callings out there!  I love hearing the kids sing, and I also get to hear the talks and prayers given by the kids and the sharing time lessons.  It's so fun to be around the children.

Yes, it is hard to stand still though.  :)  Jared provides good support for Nathan.