Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Track 2023

Jared finished his track season, going out with a bang!  He had been working this season to break 5 minutes on the mile and finally got a 4:56 at the last race.  He started out with a 5:15 for the season, then a 5:09, 5:06, 5:03, and 5:01.  He had a few other races in there, but these were the PR's.  Prior to the last race, which was league finals, he found out that only the top 32 runners would compete in the race.  He was in spot 36... so he didn't think he'd get the chance to break 5 minutes.  Even with a 5:01, he hadn't quite qualified (the top guys in the event had 4:08 to 4:10 PR's).  Not everyone who qualifies signs up to run the race though, so we prayed he'd get a spot.  A couple days before the meet, he found out he made it in.  I was so happy he got the chance to run, and then it was up to him to break 5 minutes.  I watched closely the times on each lap.  He ran the first one really fast (almost too fast I thought), the second one was right on pace, and the third lap was at 3:45.  I knew he'd do it at that point, because I knew he'd have the adrenaline and kick on that last lap to carry him through.  He took spot 19 out of 30, so he proved that he deserved to be there.  I was really proud of Jared for his hard work and grateful for the little tender mercy in allowing him to accomplish his goal.  

Jared also ran the 300m hurdles again this season.  He kept about the same time with each race, with a PR of 48.4 seconds.  I made a video about his season.  I couldn't resist the music for the last race, because it did feel like an epic finish to his season.  

Jared won the "Most Reliable" award at the track banquet.  He has received an award for every season of cross country and track so far highlighting his great character as an athlete.  He has great character on and off the track!

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