Monday, February 5, 2024

Christmas Day

We did Christmas morning with Baba and Papa.  I attempted to scale back on the amount of gifts. I warned them they might only have 1 present, but I still got them a couple of books and an ornament.  Weston got his Charmin toilet paper instead of a second book.  Jared made a gift for Owen and Weston in wood shop at school - a Lego storage box with Lego Bro etched in the wood.

I made cinnamon rolls and eggs for brunch.  We got to chat with Nathan again just before dinner.  Everyone joined in for another big feast for dinner. We also decorated sugar cookies and later had cupcakes to celebrate Jesus' birthday.  The cousins did their gift exchange, and Baba and Papa gave their gifts to each of the kids.  My favorite thing was doing our traditional candlelight singing and reading the Christmas story.  I actually played the piano, so I didn't get many pictures during the singing.  Another favorite of the night was Audrey sharing a video she put together which was really touching.  It highlighted one thing that everyone had done this year that was challenging or made them grow or something new (a Give Me This Mountain moment).  Micah and Alison's challenge made everyone cry as theirs was saying good-bye to Micah's dad who recently passed away. 

We had a great Christmas - it was good to spend it with my parents, my sisters, and their families.  We weren't sure if Alison and Micah were going to make it, since they had been struggling with sickness going through their family.  They were delayed a couple days but still made it in time for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations. And somehow we managed not to carry any sickness to Oklahoma with us.  

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