Sunday, February 22, 2009

blog worthy material

So Alex made this dinner tonight...

...which is worth a good blogging (as opposed to a good FLOGGING - Alex knows that everything he does or does not do could be blog material now, so I can threaten him with a good blogging). It is particularly worth a good bloggin' because he RARELY cooks. That job falls to me, which unfortunately I don't like to do - I just do it because I have to and because I'm a good wife...

Anyway, today one of the speakers at church, Pres. H*, in the stake presidency (some of you know who I'm talking about), spoke about being unselfish in marriage and sacrificing for each other. Alex made the mistake of asking me when he got home what he could do to sacrifice for me - well, I first said "time, " which is true, and then got to thinking that it would be nice if he made dinner tonight. So he did, a little unwillingly, but nevertheless he granted my request. It was nice to not have to cook dinner for one night, and it was really yummy too. I of course got to do the dishes though.

So back to the talk today (Pres. H* and his wife spoke- both were really good talks)... one thing that really touched me was when he talked about being more kind, patient, and understanding with others. Sometimes we may not think that those around us are giving their all, but we can't judge that. What we see as being lazy or not giving the best effort may not be the case. As in the story of the "widow's mite" in the Bible, she gave so little, yet it was ALL that she had. I've always thought about that it regards to tithing or monetary donations - I've never thought about the concept of the "widow's mite" in regards to relationships. We have to be sensitive to others, including our spouses, in their efforts, because they may be giving all they have to give at the time. It was a good reminder to me to be a little more patient and forgiving to Alex in his faults, and there are times when I need him to do the same for me.


Debora said...

I think Ron is also catching on to this "blog material" thing :)Great thoughts... and thanks, Alex for cooking dinner and applying what you were taught.

alanna said...

I love the "widow's mite" comparison. I need to think that way about relationships too, especially with my husband.
Cute "mama's boys" pictures. They make me hope my next is a boy. :)

The Purtle's said...

I had never thought about that story applying to relationships vs. money...that is very true and very thought provoking!!!!

Carrie said...

Good reminder...our spouses are usually a better reflection of ourselves anyway.

Anonymous said...

I too was touched by the comparison of the widow's mite to relationships. I far too often can only see to the end of my nose and not the whole picture and other's circumstances (even my hubby's). It was a great reminder.
Ahhh, and who doesn't love a dinner made out of love?!

Alabama Apples said...

Thanks for the reminding. I do need to be more patient with my loved ones...AND Kit needs to do some cooking and dishwashing around here!

whitney said...

I'm very impressed with the dinner-it looks yummy! I love the mite/relationship comparison. It's so true! I loved the Mama's Boys pics, by the way. You have the cutest little bunch of boys!