Sunday, March 9, 2014

cheetahs and bears

Nathan's official un-official ceremony to get his bear award was at the blue & gold dinner.  (He got the award, but not in the standard ceremony.)  Moving on to Webelos now!  

Instead of making a cake this year for the cake contest, we made cupcakes. Nathan contributed by putting the cupcake toppers together (After I printed them out, I coerced him into cutting and pasting.  I thought he should contribute somehow.)  I had to remind him what a scout was...helpful, kind... 

We couldn't find his blue neckerchief either... not so prepared.  And this was the only picture I got of him being honored for the award.  

The scout committee did a great job on the dinner and decorations though - fun night.

(Sewing these patches on is HARD!  How many of these do I have to do?)

1 comment:

Debora said...

Love the cupcakes!