Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Do your best every day!

Nathan's Arrow of Light ceremony was a couple weeks ago.  He shared the honor with his good friend Shawn.  The Arrow of Light award is cub scouting's highest rank.  

"The Arrow of Light award displays a universal symbol for the sun, and below it, an arrow.  The seven rays of the sun stand for each day of the week.  They remind you to do your best every day as you follow the arrow that leads to Boy Scouting."  

Nathan had to earn the Webelos badge first, which included 3 of the 8 badges required for the Arrow of Light Award.  Thanks mostly to Nathan's good leaders and his hard work, he was able to complete all his requirements.  Good job Nathan!

He is officially done with cub scouts and on to boy scouts.  Nathan has really enjoyed participating in scouts, and I think he has learned and grown from his experiences.  I was looking back and reading about the purposes of cub scouting:

1.  Character Development
2.  Spiritual Growth
3.  Good Citizenship
4.  Sportsmanship and Fitness
5.  Family Understanding
6.  Respectful Relationships
7.  Personal Achievement
8.  Friendly Service
9.  Fun and Adventure
10.  Preparation for Boy Scouts

I think he was successful in growing in these areas.  He's ready for boy scouts!

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