Thursday, February 20, 2020

Survivor party

We didn't have a chance to do a party in December for Owen - we finally got to have his party on February 1st.  He wanted a Survivor party, like we did for Nathan a few years ago.  It was a lot of work for me, but so much fun for Owen and his friends.  All 14 guests were able to come, so we had full teams - the Odo Odo (purple) and Mato Mato (green) tribes.  Owen picked his favorite colors.  

We didn't vote anyone out, but we did several challenges:  coconut roll, relay race, puzzle, memory, nerf gun target, water brigade, cup towers, gross food, and Owen trivia.  We had grilled hamburgers for lunch and had cake, of course.  Odo Odo won the relay, target, water brigade, cup tower, and food challenge.  Mato Mato won the coconut roll, puzzle, and memory game.  

Odo Odo ended up the overall winner, and they each took home a box of powdered donuts.  Everyone got a "Survivor Kit", with jelly beans, pretzel matches, water, and a rice krispie treat, along with their bandana.      

For puzzle challenge, they had to climb up and retrieve a bag, which contained puzzle pieces.  Once they collected all the bags, they were able to start solving the puzzle.  The puzzle says, "I am a survivor of Owen's 11th birthday party".  It was actually a little tricky to get the pieces in the right place, especially the edges.   

We did a relay race, but I didn't take any pictures.  They had to hand off paper plate rings to their teammates and run around the field and through the obstacle course.

The coconut roll was fun - they each got to roll a coconut towards a cone.  The closest to the cone got the point (best 2 out of 3).  The next challenge was the memory game, simply finding matches to various Survivor pictures.  There was one advantage, which they didn't realize until the end.  The person who found the match for the immunity idol got an advantage in the Target challenge.  It ended up being Owen who got the advantage!

This was the match that had the advantage with it.  

 The target was the next challenge.  They had to shoot the nerf gun and hit different colors, which was the color popsicle stick they pulled from the boxes.  As the sticks were pulled, that released the candy reward down through the box.  The lucky person was the one who hit the red target and pulled the red stick, releasing and earning the reward.  The advantage that Owen earned was being able to pull 2 sticks at a time on one turn (just once).  This was mostly an individual challenge, with only 7 people earning rewards.  But we did give a point to the team who earned the most individual rewards. 

The next challenge was a water brigade, passing water from cup to cup to fill a water bottle.  The water bottle had a little plastic cube that floats - the first team to get the cube out won.

The next challenge was to build a tower of cups using a rubberband that had strings attached to it.  They had to work together to stretch the rubberband around the cups, pick them up, and put the cups in place. 

No one was excited about the gross food challenge, but there were some who participated.  Owen got canned spinach, which he finished, but nearly puked.  No one would even attempt to eat sardines, which Weston got on a random draw.  Weston happily ate his and the other bowl of sardines.  Other people had to drink vegetable juice, eat jello worms, and eat real crickets (edible and seasoned).  I've tried the crickets before, and they're not that bad. 

The people who didn't do the gross food challenge participated in digging gummy worms out of chocolate pudding "dirt" (without using their hands).  Tasty, but messy!

The last challenge was Owen trivia, although we didn't do team points for it (purple had enough overall points already).  The first 10 questions were questions with correct answers.  The next 10 questions were majority rules - no correct answer, but it was just up to what the most people thought.  

I cheated on the cake again, printing and laminating a Survivor logo.  I did make the little coconut trees though.  It was a triple layer cake, with purple, green, and white.  

Owen Trivia

1 – Where was Owen born?  A.  TX       B.  CA      C. OK
2 – What is Owen’s middle name?  A.  Knight           B.  Alexander      C.  James
3 – Which foreign country did Owen live in for a year?  A. England   B.  Scotland    C.  Canada
4 – Which country has Owen NOT been to?    A.  Morocco      B.  Ireland      C.  Denmark
5 – What is Owen’s favorite subject?   A.  Science      B.  Math      C.  Reading
6 – What is Owen’s favorite soda?   A.  Dr. Pepper     B.  Sprite      C.  Fanta
7 – What is Owen’s favorite dessert?   A.  Key Lime Pie    B.  Brownies    C.  Ice cream
8 – What is Owen’s favorite candy?  A. Skittles    B.  Starburst     C.  Jolly Ranchers
9 – What did 2 year old Owen warm up in the microwave for 2 minutes?  A.  Egg     B. Popsicle    C.  Hot dog
10 – What is Owen’s nickname in football at school?  A.  Tumbleweed    B. Butterfingers    C.  Stiff arm

(Answers to questions above:  C, A, A, B, B, C, A, C, C, A)

Majority Rules
1 – What does Owen complain about the most?   A.  Where to sit in the car     B.  Chores      
           C.  Brothers
2 – What is Owen’s best personality trait?    A.  Cheerful     B.  Kind      C.  Friendly
3 – What is Owen most afraid of?    A.  Dark      B.  Being alone      C.  Spiders
4 – What does Owen want to be when he grows up?   A.  Professor      B.  Lego Designer     
          C.  Engineer
5 – If Owen was an animal, what would he be?   A.  Cheetah      B. Owl      C.  Fox
6 – There’s a fire – If Owen can only grab 1 of these items, which would he take?     
                             A.  Water bottle           B.  Hoodie        C.  Flashlight
7 – What superhero would Owen be?     A.  Dr. Strange      B.  Thor      C.  Captain America
8 – What song title best describes Owen?   A.  You’ve got a Friend in Me     B.  Happy   
           C.  I am the Champion
9 – How many kids does Owen want when he’s a Dad?     A.  7       B.  5       C.  3
10 – What movie title best describes Owen?   A.  Diary of a Wimpy Kid    B.  Megamind    
           C.  Greatest Showman

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