Sunday, August 1, 2021

Shining with the Sunbeams

 When we got back from Oklahoma, Primary at church was just starting up again.  We hadn't had Primary since March 2020, so it was nice to have my creative outlet again teaching the 3-4 year olds (the "Sunbeams").  We are meeting outdoors so that the kids don't have to wear a mask and so they can sing.  They do singing time altogether first and then separate into classes.  The weather has been pretty nice, although they did have to get a couple big tents during singing time to block the sun.  We use one while we're sitting on the grass as well during our class time.  Other classes go find a shady spot to sit.  We have 20-25 minutes for lesson time.  Most of the time, I've planned more than enough to fill the time.  I've taught the last 6 weeks, and so far we've talked about baptism, Bishops, parents and being like them and Jesus, Heavenly Father's love and gratitude for His creations, prayer, and priesthood power.  

For my baptism lesson, I printed out pictures of each of my kids at their baptism, along with a picture of me in my baptism dress when I was 8 years old.  Under each letter of BAPTISM was something about baptism, such as "Be Like Jesus", "Age of Accountability", "Priesthood Authority", "Take Jesus' name upon us", "Immersion", "Spirit", and "Making covenants".  I know the kids weren't aware of the letters matching with what we were talking about, but it helped me structure my lesson better.  I'm sure I'll use them later on at some point for an older group of kids.  I'm getting a pretty good file of teaching material from this calling, with lots of visuals.        

For the lesson on Bishops, we looked at some pictures of different things the Bishop does.  I shared a story of President Monson as a young bishop in going out to find a young man who hadn't been coming to church.  He went out and found the man, who was working at a gas station, and invited him to church.  The young man started coming to church, prepared and went on a mission, and then later served as a Bishop.  I also shared a short video message with the sunbeams of our Bishop talking to them.  I had asked him earlier in the week to send a short message, so it was fun to play that for them during our lesson.  We tried to make a video to send back to the Bishop, with them singing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam".  We did make a send a video, but the kids didn't sing.  It was me singing with them holding up their little suns on a wooden stick each time we sang "beam".  We held up a "Thanks for helping us shine" sign at the end of the song.  I think he got a kick out of it.    

We did a lesson on trying to be like Jesus and our parents and the ways they help us.  I read a book about a bear who wants to be just like her mom.  Then we looked at pictures of animal parents and their babies.  We separated them into 4 categories:  protecting, feeding, leading (or following), and loving.  I also found some pictures of people doing those things.  Four pictures of Jesus went along well with those - Jesus calming the storm, teaching the multitude, following Jesus, and loving.   

The lesson on Heavenly Father's love was fun.  We talked about things that God has created and listened to the song "I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me".  That song talks about hearing the song of a bird, feeling the rain on your face, looking at the blue sky, touching a velvet rose, and seeing the color of butterfly wings.  We then went on a walk, looking for paper butterflies that I had clipped to different bushes around the church.  They also had clipped to them one of the pictures below in the heart puzzle, which represents things we're thankful for. So we collected our butterflies and then put together our heart-shaped puzzle.  One interesting thing happened that day - it rained a little bit as soon as we started Primary.  It was a light drizzle, so we didn't have to go inside, but it hadn't rained at all this year.  They did get to feel a little rain on their faces, like the song says.  I thought the paper butterflies might get ruined, but they were still okay by the time we went to look for them.  They got to take a butterfly home with them.         

I loved putting together my next lesson too (can you tell this calling is great for me?).  The lesson was on prayer, so I thought of one of the more memorable times when our prayer was answered and made a picture story out of it.  I talked about the time in Scotland when we got our car stuck in a snow patch.  We tried to get out, but the wheels were just spinning.  We were also on a small mountain road that didn't have hardly any traffic on it, so no one was driving by.  We tried for a while to get unstuck, without success.  It was starting to get dark and we weren't sure what to do, so we did the only thing we could think of - we said a prayer.  Not long after our prayer, someone drove up behind us.  They were able to help us get out of that snow patch.  We knew the Lord sent someone to help us.  What's even more amazing was (1) they didn't have any real reason for being out that evening - just taking a drive and (2) their jobs included teaching people how to drive in and get out of conditions just like we found ourselves in. 

After I shared that story, we talked about the basics of prayer - who we're talking to, saying things we're thankful for, asking for blessings and help, and then closing in Jesus' name.  They got to pull some pictures out of two bags:  "We Thank Thee" and "Please Bless".  We practiced saying a prayer using the pictures to help think of things to pray for.          

My most recent lesson was on priesthood power.  We looked at some pictures of Jesus instituting the sacrament, healing and blessing, and giving His apostles priesthood power.  We briefly talked about Moses giving the priesthood to his son Aaron and Joseph Smith having the priesthood power restored to him by the angels John the Baptist and Peter, James, and John (who held the keys to the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood).  So then the rest of our lesson was "opening" lock boxes with (matching) keys and revealing an ordinance or way the priesthood helps us to return to live with God.  Some of those necessary ordinances are baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, the sacrament, and temple ordinances.  We moved the little girl up each step as we went along.  One of the last things was opening a lock box that had some fruit snacks in there, which they got to eat.  I think they enjoyed having a treat - I don't often bring any treats or food for the lessons.    

I love teaching about simple gospel truths and coming up with creative teaching ideas.

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