Saturday, February 19, 2022

13th party

I didn't have any time to relax after Nathan's party because it was right on to Owen's party the following Saturday.  Owen's birthday was in December, but we didn't have any free days for a party, so we planned one for January.  I did a similar style party to Nathan's, with 13 different activities, but they were more minute-to-win-it style games.  Most of them took longer than a minute to complete, especially with teams, but they weren't as long as Nathan's party activities and they didn't correlate with anything from Owen's life.  We didn't quite get to all Owen's games either - we completed 10 of the 13 challenges.  Here's what we did:

- Tissue boxes strapped around waist - shake ping pong balls out
- Color sort - fastest to sort out colored circles
- Getting balloons in a bucket without using hands
- Block tower building - rolling dice for building instructions
- 21 cup stack - over and over until you get to the first cup
- Pyramid cup stack - build and take down the fastest
- Rubberband shoot the pyramid cup stack
- Bounce balls into a bucket, eliminating one ball each round and eliminating people each round that don't make it 
- Candy grab with 2 card decks
- Skittles and straws - suck skittles from 1 plate to another

There were prizes for each game, along with cake, chips, and soda. Only 7 of 16 friends were able to make it, but we had a fun group.    

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