Saturday, February 19, 2022


I taught Sunbeams a few times in January.  The very first Sunday I prepared to teach my new class, which has about 7 kids in it.  None of them were there, but I taught my Plan of Salvation lesson to the next class up, since they needed some help that day.  The 2nd Sunday, I wasn't planning on teaching - January was supposed to be my co-teacher's month to teach.  However, I didn't get the message that she wouldn't be able to be there (that was the day I was doing Nathan's party all day).  I had my Plan of Salvation lesson from the first week, which my new class hadn't heard, but then we only had 2 kids there.  The class above me only had 1 kid, so I asked if we could join them (since I hadn't prepared the current week's lesson and the numbers were small).  The 3rd week, I did prepare a lesson, but the class above me only had 1 again, so I asked if they wanted to join my class.  That 3rd lesson was about Adam and Eve and choices.  I didn't take any photos to document that lesson, but they got to hold up a smiley face for good choices and a frowny face for bad choices.  We also did a matching game, where they matched pictures of opposite things - like hot and cold or up and down.  

By the 4th week, I had officially coordinated with the class above me to combine our classes, since the number of kids and/or teachers has been small, and I wanted to take the guesswork out of who was going to prepare the lesson.  I didn't teach the 4th week but did the 5th week lesson on the city of Enoch.  We talked about how they showed love and unity for each other, and then we played a chutes and ladders game.  When they landed on the hearts, they had to share a way that they could show love for others.  They got heart suckers as treats at the end.  I don't bring treats often, but I thought it went well with the lesson.  There was one of my Sunbeams who was there for the first time.  It's a pretty hard transition from the nursery, where they get to play the whole time, to Sunbeams (where they have to sit through a lesson).  Anyway, she had a hard time most of the lesson... until she got a sucker.  Then it was the best day ever!  Her mom asked her about Sunbeams, and she said, "It was the BEST!" Good thing I brought the candy that day... 

One funny thing about one of the other kids.  I don't think she gets treats often at home.  She ate part of her sucker, but then gave it back to me at the end of the class.  I asked if she didn't want it, and she said, "Well, my mom wouldn't want me to have it."  Ha ha.  I thought, "Okay, yes we'll hide the evidence then..."  😀 

The kids say or do the funniest things sometimes.  I think I should start writing a book about being a Sunbeam teacher.  


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