Friday, January 31, 2025

January Misc

I bargained with Owen to build my Lego set, the A-Frame Cabin.  I really didn't want to build it.  Alex put together his giant Shackleton boat.  

Savannah went to a birthday party with school friends.  

Owen is practicing driving now... he's been practicing for a couple of months now, so it's not quite as scary anymore.  

Savannah took a little trip to the urgent care and then over to the ER since the urgent care couldn't do lab work and such.  Her stomach and chest were hurting quite a bit, so she got some meds and hydration. She had been puking and had diarrhea for the day, with the pain starting the evening before.  Her hands started getting tingly too, so I think she was starting to overthink what was wrong.  But she did seem to be hurting and also dehydrated since she wasn't keeping things down.  So she needed some attention.  They're not quick about anything at either place though.  We spent about 5.5 hours on the whole process, and she didn't really receive any care until about 4 hours in. She got to experience getting an IV and laying in a bed with a blood pressure armband that goes off randomly.  I told her it was preparing her for pregnancy later on!  The guy putting the IV in did a good job.  The guy taking it out... not so much.  He pulled it out and it started squirting fluid and blood out of it.  He looked at her arm and said, "Oh wow! That's a lot of blood!" as he's scrambling to get more bandages to stop the bleeding.  I'm pretty sure that's not very cool when dealing with a patient, especially a child.  Luckily Savannah wasn't too shocked seeing all the blood coming out of her arm.  The lab work was fine - just a stomach virus I guess.  She was able to sleep well that night at least.

Last photo is of Weston hanging out with friends.  He's quite the social guy recently.  He has his own little "nerd herd" (Alex's school friends were called that when he was in high school.)


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