Friday, January 31, 2025

Youth Activities

The youth did some cool things in January.  They did a car wash and bake sale to earn money to donate towards the wildfire victims.  They washed cars for 4 hours and raised $10,000!  The families of primary children donated baked goods.  (The only picture I saw from the event was my friend's picture on Instragram, so I snagged it.)  

They did another activity that involved some Fear Factor type games, along with a hike.  Weston wasn't allowed to eat the sardines apparently for one of the challenges, since he actually likes them.  

The young women painted the cover of scriptures one night.  I love Savannah's design.  

The youth had a night where they learned some Brazilian capoeira - a combination of martial arts, music, and acrobatics.  They learned some kicks and maneuvers and different stretches.  


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