Monday, June 13, 2011

fantastic first grader

Nathan had such a great year.  He made friends easily, had great teachers, and was eager to learn. He said his favorite thing to learn about was money.  He is really good at math.  He said what he'd miss the most about 1st grade is the books.  He does love to read.  He also loved recess, playing sports with his friends.  He came home each day reporting what had happened in his games.  He was very proud of winning a medal for 3rd place in the jog-a-thon.  He said next year he plans to "learn how to run faster," although he's already pretty fast.  I can't catch him.  One notable thing was his spelling - he got 100% on all his tests!  Looks like he may have my spelling genes, luckily!  :)  He brought home several pieces of artwork, which were fun to see his creativity.  I think Nathan is pretty well-rounded (creativity, language arts, and athletic skills from me  :) and math and science and social skills from Alex).  Nathan will talk your ear off as soon as he gets warmed up to you!  We also were impressed by his independence, making his own lunch every day and often walking most of the way home from school by himself.  We're so glad he loves school and had a successful year.

1 comment:

Debora said...

Tell him "Well Done!" from Baba and Papa. We are proud of him.