...are great things brought to pass.
July 1980 - my parents baptism
I didn't want to mix this post with the rest of Thanksgiving week, because it deserves its own spotlight. One of the highlights of the week was getting to meet one of the sister missionaries that taught my parents about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. She helped my parents join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints back in 1980. My mom opened the door to the sister missionaries, and my parents started learning about the gospel. My parents had been talking about a church they could attend with me and my brother. They grew up in the Methodist and Presbyterian Church, but they hadn't attended since their teenage years. They wanted Mike and me to also have a religious education. I was 2 when they took the missionary lessons, so I don't remember it. But I have been forever grateful to have grown up in the church. I realize that my parents took a leap of faith to join the church, particularly having to make a few lifestyle changes to live up to the standards of the church. Their small sacrifice has blessed our family and allowed us to also live a life filled with so much freedom. (With bad choices come negative consequences, which limits other choices.) It is these "strict" standards that has kept me out of trouble and shaped me into who I am today. It's not only the standards, but the knowledge of the restored gospel and of the blessings of the Atonement that has brought so much peace and happiness in my life.
Another great blessing that came from my parents joining the church is that they decided to have more kids. They were previously only going to have me and Mike. There is a 4 (+4 months) year gap between me and Audrey. I'm so glad my 3 sisters and their families are here! I also probably wouldn't have met Alex either if we didn't have the church in common.
It was fun to meet Robin, her husband, and one of her daughters. We had a nice evening chatting about my parents conversion story. I loved hearing Robin's perspective - my dad was particularly stubborn during the missionary lessons. I'm glad Robin and her companion didn't give up on my parents!
Look at us now!
I don't think this sister missionary could imagine what impact her faithful missionary service would have on so many. Mike was a missionary in Finland, Audrey served in Bulgaria, and Alison served in Belgium. Alex and I hope to serve a mission later as a senior missionary couple. We are looking forward to our kids serving missions. Who knows where each of these 15 little future missionaries will serve!
Loved this! It is amazing how one small decision like the missionaries choosing to stop at your parents house that day or your mom letting the missionaries into the home can have such an life-changing rippling effect.
Robin is not in that first picture, at our baptism. She was transfered right before we were baptised. But she and sister Savage have always been "our" missionaries, even though she wasn't at the baptism.
I realized she wasn't in the baptism picture, but I still wanted that picture in the post.
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