Sunday, August 4, 2019

Another teenager in the house!

Jared didn't want a friend party this year, so that made it easy on me.  He wanted German pancakes and bacon for breakfast, lasagna, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner, and chocolate cake, of course!

Jared continues to be a great kid!  He and Nathan are good about helping watch their younger siblings.  Jared had to watch them quite a bit this year when Nathan had basketball games.  Jared is a pretty spiritual guy too, and he takes his turn on the family night lessons.  His prayers are pretty sincere, and we are sometimes amazed at how genuine and thoughtful those can be.  

He still likes the OSU cowboys, as you can see by the OSU hoodie that he often wears.  He makes straight A's and is the model student at school and church.  I wish we could figure out how to duplicate Jared (maybe eventually we'll get some little Jared grandkids!  Ha ha.) 

One funny random note about Jared: he gets complimented on his eyebrows!  He does have the perfect eyebrows...

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