Thursday, September 12, 2019

4th of July and OK

Well, we had to split up for the 4th of July this year.  Nathan didn't want to miss summer league basketball, and this was the only time that we could go to OK this summer.  So Alex ended up flying with the 4 youngest and visiting his Aunt and parents for a week.  I stayed home with Nathan and carted him to his basketball practices and games.  I think we may have entered a new season of life with high school sports taking up our summers and holidays.  Nathan had practices and tournament games over Thanksgiving and Christmas break last year.  And although they are "optional" during the holidays, when he missed 2 days for a family camping trip, he lost playing time.  So he doesn't want to miss any more optional practices.  (He had basketball off for a month before school, but Alex and Jared had other things going on during Nathan's time off.  Maybe we can plan better next year on vacation...) 

Nathan and I had a fun time on the 4th at a BBQ with friends.  We got to watch the city fireworks, and it was the first time that Nathan got to watch the fireworks while swimming!  He could see them from the pool.  

Alex and the kids did their own sparklers and fireworks in OK.  They had a good week, making bullets and shooting guns, swimming in the creek, playing at the splash pad, eating Braum's ice cream, watching movies, and hanging out.  And Aunt Jane gave them some more toys and Legos! 

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