Thursday, September 12, 2019

Happy birthday Weston!

Weston's birthday was on the last day of the youth pioneer trek that Alex, Nathan, and I participated in.  He opened presents that evening after we got back, but we didn't do cake until his friend party, which was about a week later.  Weston was excited for his new Legos, although we almost had a problem with one of his requested gifts.  When I was wrapping his presents earlier in the week, Jared was helping me and noticed that the main Lego guy in one of his presents didn't have the right helmet.  Alex had found the Lego clone that he wanted in a set on Ebay and ordered it.  It wasn't until we were wrapping it that Jared noticed it wasn't the clone that Weston likes.  It had the right helmet in the Ebay ad, but arrived with a different helmet.  I didn't know Weston was so particular and didn't think it was a big deal, but Jared convinced us that Weston would be really disappointed.  Alex was able to order the correct clone trooper in a more expensive set on Amazon (which would arrive while we were on trek).  Jared said he would watch for it and wrap it up.  

Well, we decided to see how he would react with the wrong one first.  He was super excited opening the present, knowing what it was.  But...then he took a closer look, noticed it wasn't the right one, and put it aside in disappointment.  Jared was right!  We then let him open the right one, and he was SO happy.  Who knew that one little Lego guy could make someone so happy? 

Weston wanted a Star Wars birthday party and requested a clone trooper cake.  He picked out the picture online, and then I just had to try to make it.  Jared helped me draw the outline of the helmet on the cake, and then I did the frosting.  Weston liked it!   

We had pizza, goldfish, and strawberries for dinner.  I put together this Star Wars shooting target for nerf guns.  (The suction cup nerf bullets stuck to the laminated pictures.)  Of course, it was much more fun to run around and shoot each other with the nerf guns.  It was a little wild!  We also had popcorn and watched a Star Wars movie, although they only watched about 45 minutes of the movie and then took off for more nerf wars.  We invited 15 kids - luckily only 5 could come... that was much more manageable. 

The last picture is the gift favors - chocolate chip Wookiee cookies, Skittles, and mini nerf gun. 

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