Friday, June 7, 2024

April Misc

We started out April with General Conference weekend.  We always enjoy listening to talks from home and enjoying crumb cake. Alex particularly enjoyed having a break from Bishop responsibilities for the weekend.  

All the kids got sick in April.  Some were out of school longer than others. Luckily Alex and I didn't get sick.  Savannah was sick a few days, but she was okay to go on an outing with Alex and I to see flowers.  We actually didn't find that many where we had planned, but we went to another spot on the way home.  

My flower bed spontaneously grew poppies this year, so it's been nice to see something pretty growing in the yard. 

Alex performed his first wedding since being called as Bishop.  

Savannah had fun with friends one day after school.  She has been missing the fun clubs we did last year when I wasn't working. 

I ordered a couple new photos of Jesus, so I did some re-arranging in the living room.  I also ordered and put together a new cabinet with glass doors (I called it "Mom's Lego set").  I took out the nasty shower doors in the bathroom and put up a shower curtain.  Jared helped out with the projects, like getting the heavy doors out.  We also just spent a lot of money to have two pine trees taken out of our back yard (we didn't want them to fall on our house).  I guess that's our home improvement for the year... not too exciting to have trees removed but necessary.

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