Saturday, June 22, 2024

Mother's Day, flowers, and Scotland

 Alex was gone to Scotland for Mother's Day, but the kids took care of me that day.  They made breakfast and had cards and gifts for me.  Alex left a card and chocolate for me too.  Jared made rolls for the dinner we had with friends.  Owen decided to gift me with being able to cut his hair.  I had been asking to cut it, but he didn't want to.  It had grown too long for my liking.  I didn't plan on cutting that much off, but once I got going, I couldn't get the back right.  So I had to keep going shorter.  

Owen and Jared helped do a Mom's dinner as a priest activity.  This is the 3rd year I've participated and it's my favorite youth activity of the year.  The young men prepare dinner and dessert and they also give speeches about their mom.  I loved Jared and Owen's speeches.  Owen talked about me being a "momma bear" and he also had put together a funny photo of me as a bear with her cubs.  

Savannah and I enjoyed looking at flowers while waiting for Weston one morning. We were surprised with how many different flowers we found.  

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