Sunday, August 5, 2007

Take it or leave it

"Take it or leave it" is going to be Annie's challenge, which means you can take the challenge or leave it, but what I'll challenge is something that I think you should TAKE. But it's up to you, and hopefully I will be able to take my own challenge. This week's "take it or leave it" is something I've found to be very rewarding- my challenge is for everyone to start or continue a journal, with at least a weekly entry. Write down, in particular, your feelings and thoughts- the daily activities are important too, but focus on any thoughts you had for the day or week, lessons learned, triumphs, challenges. I think you will learn a lot about yourself and leave a priceless gift for your posterity as well. And we are to be a record-keeping people. So, who's up to the challenge? Take it or leave it...

1 comment:

Mamapierce said...

I've kept a regular journal since April 1st, 1992. It's a wonderful way to look back and see what life was like...