We had a pretty good chance of making it to church on time... until Owen decided we needed some wardrobe changes. I was feeling pretty good about getting the boys ready for church and was about to take a picture. And then Owen spit up all over himself and me. Scratch getting to church on time, but we were only about 7 minutes late. So I guess we did pretty good. And I didn't glare at Alex when I walked in the door. :) The boys did great during sacrament meeting. I fed Owen during Sunday School and he slept through Relief Society.

I decided I better document our 1st experiment with trying to get somewhere on time. (Nathan took this picture for me.)

So here are the pants Owen was going to wear...

They weren't quite excited to take a picture. (I had just told them they couldn't take the Kung Fu panda toys to church.) At least Nathan had a fake smile for me.

They sang to Nathan today since his birthday is this week. He's in a new class this year - CTR 5. He's looking like such a big boy.
My hat's off to you for getting the boys ready and to church by yourself, and sitting by yourself during sacrament meeting. Not an easy thing to do! You have such handsome boys, the older 2 are looking so grown up. I remember Sabrina would always spit up as I buckled her in her car seat. It drove me nuts because I would have everything ready to go and she would spit up and I would have to clean her up and then the other kids would go crazy because they were ready to go...3 is so fun!!
Wow! That was pretty bad! Maybe he knew he had to make it up to you by being easy going at church!
Apparently Owen doesn't like purple either. (WE hates it!)
Oh how I can relate. And oh how I wish we were in the same ward and could talk in the mother's lounge during Sunday School! Only 7 minutes late is simply amazing.
Glad you kept your sense of humor and took a picture anyway! I think you did great!! 7 min late could be considered on time I'd say!! That's mommyhood, huh??
You're doing great! I'm late and I just have one to deal with for now. Probably be later than 7 minutes if I had 3. Great job!!
Cracking up here, Annie. All three of mine had reflux...nice, huh?
I'm glad you are getting adjusted though. He's to three (BOYS)!!!
that was supposed to be "here's"...here's to three boys.
and here's to the loss of more brain cells with the birth of each child ..i'm losing my marbles here, Annie.
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