Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sometimes the truth hurts...

...especially when you realize that you will never be in the "A-L" category. For the past week, Nathan has come home with a nametag sticker that says "M-Z" on the top. The A-L's exit from the gym, and the M-Z's exit from the cafeteria for after school pick-up. Nathan made the comment that he hopes that he'll be in the A-L's sometime... I had to break it to him that he would never be in the A-L's. He was pretty sad. Sorry buddy. You don't get to ride the bus AND you can't be an A-L...

He has been saying that maybe he can ride the bus in California though...


Anonymous said...

Sooo funny! It's fun to see how their mind works sometimes. All he wanted was to be an "A-L"...and he thought that there was a chance! Makes me smile.
I am glad that Nathan had a good day at school! Just thinking about Nathan all ready to go is too cute. Isn't it crazy how kids are herded around?!! It makes me anxious dropping off my kids, I am too worried that I'll "mess up" and not go and do the right thing. What happened to the good 'ol days when you could see the teacher whenever you needed?? *sigh* At least he had fun and I am sure you'll get a better chance to actually talk to her... ;)

Ron said...

Nathan could change his name.

Pam said...

When you think about it that is very profound. From the moment we are born we are classified: male or female, skin color, etc. Some things we can change: economics, religion, etc. Somethings we cannot. We have to learn to be happy with ourselves.
That Nathan is a bright kid! He's in the real world now. "What I learned in kindergarten..."

Gardners said...

When I was a kid, I was always at the head of the line, being a "B". I was disappointed after my marriage that I would now be closer to the middle. Even as an adult I cared! Why don't you ask Nathan to take this bright idea in to school: after the semester break, let the "A-L"s and the "M-Z"s switch entrances! I'll bet he's not the only kids who wishes he could swap!

Gardners said...

And by the way, BOO to California! She has stolen one too many of my friends!

Debora said...

Cute post and even cuter comments. At least you have some funny little situations to keep your life interesting :)

Alabama Apples said...

Oh that makes me laugh! I'm so glad his first day went well. I also had to laugh at the disappointment of non-bus riding. Josiah has been begging me to have us move so he can either walk to school or get to ride the bus. Poor little guys. If only my happiness could be bought by a bus ride. :)

Annie said...

Good comments everyone. I guess there is always another option, if you choose to find it. Perspective makes a big difference.

Anonymous said...

I was a "B" and married a "V." I hope he knows how much I love him to give up my alphabetical standing!