Thursday, January 21, 2021

December birthdays

 Owen turned 12 and Savannah turned 8 this year.  I can hardly believe how quickly they're growing up.  Owen's main present was one big Lego set, along with a hand-me-down cell phone.  Savannah also got several Legos this year, for birthday and Christmas. She now enjoys them just as much as her brothers (unfortunately for me... since I feel like we already have TOO many Legos...).  Savannah had 2 friends bring over a present for her.  She got a Lego Nasa set and a teddy bear.  She loves them!

We didn't do any friend parties due to Covid, so we just had small family celebrations at home.  They got their requested meals and cake.  Owen was really sweet about helping make his breakfast.  It's the first time anyone has offered to help me fix their own birthday breakfast.  He made the omelettes, and I did the bacon and french toast.  He wanted scalloped potatoes, Caesar salad, and rolls for dinner, with ice cream cake for dessert.  We watched the movie "Safety".  

Savannah wanted bacon, eggs, pancakes, and smoothies for breakfast.  She actually wanted canned beef stew and rice for dinner (I don't know why they like the canned stuff so much).  She wanted a chocolate cake with pink frosting for dessert.  She got a pretty blue dress for her birthday, which she wore to church that day.  Baba found a picture of Savannah in a blue dress when she was 2 years old and put together a cute side by side picture of then and now (I added the words).  She is a beautiful girl!  I took some pictures for her baptism program that day as well, and I told Alex he better have a plan for keeping the boys away!      

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