Thursday, April 23, 2009


The boys and I went to the theater today with some friends to see the new Disney Nature documentary "Earth." The half that I saw was really cool - great cinematography (is that the right word?). But what was I thinking taking a 4 month old, nearly 3, and 5 year old? They hadn't ever been to a theater, so I thought I'd give it a try. They're not quite ready for that yet. They actually didn't do too bad - they weren't running around the theater screaming or anything. They just like to comment and ask questions. Jared changed seats with some of the kids, but at least he stayed in the same row... there were only about 6 other people in the theater not in our little group. One of the couples complained, and we had someone come tell us to try to keep our kids quiet. This couple was obviously someone who had never been around kids, or they would have known that they were being really good. Maybe I'm just past feeling to it, since I'm around them all the time. Anyway, since someone was annoyed, I started feeling bad about it and knew that my kids were most of the distraction. So I took Owen and Jared out. They were getting restless. I hope Nathan was able to be quiet for the rest of it - he just likes to talk all the time.

Anyway, we tried. But I don't think we'll go back to the theater again any time soon.


Debora said...

When I saw the ads for that movie, I was thinking the boys would enjoy it. I guess they are a bit young for such things- but nice try Annie! To bad you don't have a grandpa and grandma close enough to go- then you could at least have one on one ratio :)

Amanda said...

I thought that the kids did a wonderful job! It's not like the movie was full of action packed adventure that the couple who complained was missing... they were just being overly sensitive to extra noises I guess... and who doesn't like to go to the movies and talk about it with your friends!!

Krista said...

We went and saw it yesterday and my 7 year old had a harder time being quiet than my 4 year old (but she had a hard time sitting for so long). He was just excited and part-way into the movie exclaimed "Darth Vader" really loudly. Yes, James Earl Jones was the narrator and he does Darth Vader's voice too. Sounds like the other people were a little hoity-toity.