Monday, October 11, 2010

not too young for chores

We've been doing chores for a few weeks now and it's going pretty well.  I wasn't sure if Owen was old enough for chores, but he actually is a good little helper and loves to get stickers on his chart (he puts them wherever he wants and finds stickers around the house to put on, but that's okay).  I love to see him jump up and down when we tell him he gets a sticker for a completed task.  Owen especially likes spraying the table - it's just like a water gun.  This Clorox Anywhere spray is pretty good for kids since it's very mild.  I probably should just fill it with water when it's gone though since he drenches the table with it.  The one bad thing is that he likes to help so much that it's hard to get him to stop.  He wants to spray the table about ten times a day.  Just put the spray down and no one will get hurt... 


Melissa said...

Oh this is SUPER cute! I've been trying to get the boys to help with chores- I don't have an official chart yet, but I need to do that. I love hearing the boys yell Saturday mornings, "No! I want to scrub the toilets!!" It is moments like that where I have to sit and wonder- who took my kids and who are these impostors?

dfs said...

Must be hereditary. Owen's "pa" and Papa John both loved to use squirt bottles.