Wednesday, August 31, 2022

And then there was Covid...

We had church prom (Saturday), Jared's patriarchal blessing (Sunday), Nathan's mission call opening (Tuesday), and Jared's birthday (Wednesday) right before we found out we had Covid (Thursday).  I'm not sure where we got it (but maybe prom, because most of Nathan's group got it, except the ones that had already had it).  I wasn't feeling great on Sunday, but not enough to keep me down.  I went to church and all our activities the next few days.  Nathan had a yucky day on Jared's birthday.  The day after Jared's birthday, Alex woke up with some sniffles and realized he couldn't taste his breakfast... that was when he got a positive Covid test.  Some of the kids had already gone to school, but those still home tested as well.  Alex, Nathan, and I tested positive.  Jared tested negative and went to school.  Later, Owen, Weston, and Savannah took a test and Savannah tested positive.  However, she didn't have any symptoms and never did get any.  She felt fine, but since she tested positive, she had to stay out of school a minimum of 5 days and couldn't go back until she got a negative test (which wasn't until about day 7).  She missed a whole week of school.  Although she missed some fun things at school, it wasn't too bad staying home "sick".  She got to watch movies, hang out with Mom, and even get lunch from Wendy's one day.  It wasn't too bad not being able to go to our activities - I had been pretty stressed about all the things I had to get done.  It was kind-of nice to play the "Covid card" and have a break - the sickness was mild.  Unfortunately, we had to postpone Jared's birthday party though.  Nathan was lucky to be done before graduation and the end of the year things.  Jared and Owen stayed Covid-free until after Nathan's graduation and until after Baba and Papa's visit.  Weston was the only one who never got Covid.  We were able to make all the big events with the timing of Covid - I was really thankful for that.  

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