Sunday, August 28, 2022

March School Things

Owen did a special project for school in March.  He had to research the medieval feudal system, with a focus on knights for his part of a group presentation.  Each group had to create a mural backdrop and a short presentation to give several times to an audience.  Owen's group was pretty popular because they had cupcakes as one of the categories in their "wheel of unfortune".  That one was "trial by cake" where the participants had to eat a mini cupcake in one bite.  In medieval times, they were forced to eat cake that had an ingredient that made it easier to choke on.  If they were able to eat the cake, they were innocent.  If they choked, they were guilty.  Owen's group had some other challenges on their wheel of unfortune, but the participants hoped they spun the cake challenge.    

Savannah's class did an 80's day in March, which I didn't know about until the morning of.  We did our best to come up with something.  It doesn't look like their class did much better dressing up, but I wanted to show this class photo to document that the kids were still forced to wear masks in the classroom most of the 2021-22 school year.  It wasn't until mid-March when they didn't have to wear masks. I took a picture of what the inside of her mask looked like after wearing it so many times.  We had washed it multiple times, but it still got so dirty.  I can't believe she was wearing that all day much of the year.   


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