Monday, January 9, 2023

Fall Youth Activities

We've had a lot of fun youth activities from September through December, most of which I didn't have to do much for.  The 1st counselor in Young Women's, Nanci, throws these fabulous extra activities at her home once a month with plenty of snacks and fun.  We've watched movies, baked Thanksgiving treats, had a Halloween party complete with fake teeth, and lots of fun and laughter.

I helped Weston do a human foosball game when the Deacons Quorum was in charge of an activity.  That one just involved a massive amount of tape on the floor, some rope, a couple pop-up soccer goals, and several bouncy balls.  We could have used one ball, but it was fun and chaotic with several balls at once.  The only hard thing was getting people to stay on their line.  

An activity requiring the least amount of preparation but one of the most fun was line dancing.  One of the young men leaders and his wife teach a line dancing class once a week at the church.  They taught the youth some dancing for an activity.  I wasn't sure if the boys would participate, but they really got involved.  Weston seemed to be doing his own thing most of the time, but that was okay! Everyone had fun.  

Jared was in charge of the pumpkin patch activity.  He made several sugar cookies for the youth to decorate at someone's home after going to the pumpkin patch.  

We did a family history activity for one of our Wednesday nights, in conjunction with the ward family history challenge.  The young women won the challenge again for the second time in a row, back-to-back champions!  

One of the young women wanted to do a cardboard cars and movie night.  We needed 2 activity nights for that one, and it involved quite a bit more work to get the supplies and such for the cars.  The youth ended up bringing most of their own cardboard for the cars, and we provided all the decorating materials.  We needed more time for decorating than we had - most of them didn't have time to paint the cars.  Our boys seemed to be a little faster with putting cars together and getting them painted, and they each won one of the awards. I had someone else judge and award the cars (and they didn't know whose cars belonged to which youth).  I did make the awards though.  Owen made a double seater car so his friend RJ could join in for the movie night.  We watched Corpse Bride and had candy and popcorn.

We did a canned food drive / scavenger hunt, going door to door collecting food items to donate to the food bank.  Certain items were worth more points, so they were competing to see who could get the most points.  The deacons had a fun games night, which Weston enjoyed.  Our family and some of the youth helped clean up someone's yard one Saturday morning.  I didn't take before and after pictures, but we did quite a bit of work and it looked pretty good when we were done. The lady had a little dog that Weston and Savannah held for a little while. 

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