Sunday, January 16, 2011

6 months


Hard to believe, but Weston is 6 months already.  He's starting to sit up on his own, with a few "trainers" to help out.  It is a little too tempting for Owen to push over the wobbly baby... you'll notice in the first video how Owen sees Westie about to fall over and just gives him a little push.  (And then he pointed out to me "fall down!", although it's not in that video.)  Weston also has started scooting around some.  He's getting up on his knees already and pushing off with his feet.  It won't be long before he's crawling.  And I'm not even close to being ready for that!  It's interesting how babies have their own ways of getting around.  Another baby who is just a few weeks younger than Weston rolls really well.  Weston will roll from his tummy to his back, but can't figure out how to roll from back to tummy.  But he sure is good at pushing around with his legs.


The Purtle's said...

he CANNOT be 6th months already!!!! He's so cute....just like all your boys!!!!

WhiteEyebrows said...

That's funny (owen pushing westin over...) ha!

Anonymous said...

He (and they) is so stinking cute!

Debora said...

"Stinkin cute"- that pretty much describes it !