Monday, January 31, 2011

Always wear a helmet!

We made our very first trip to the ER today.  Jared fell off his bike and gashed his head open when he fell into this little ledge by our back door.  I didn't quite see the fall, but I heard the bonk and turned around to see him grab his bleeding head and start crying.  One look at the gaping hole and I knew we needed to head to the ER.  I grabbed a washcloth and had him hold that on while we drove there.  He only cried for a moment when it first happened.  I had to keep asking him if he was okay, because he was so calm and silent (much more calm than I was).  Once there, he went back to one room to get it checked out.  It had stopped bleeding, but they put a bandage over it.  Then we went to another room and he laid down and they put some numbing stuff on it.  And we waited.  Meanwhile, I had called Alex and he headed over there (on his bike).  I was relieved when Alex got there to help out with Weston and Owen.  They were pretty good, but I was having a hard time entertaining them while comforting Jared.  Jared was SO calm - I am amazed at how brave he was while waiting for the doctor to come "fix his head" and the getting the stitches.  When it was time to get stitches, they wrapped him up to keep him from moving and the nurse held his head while the doctor stitched him up.  It was hard to watch, but I did take a peek.  Jared did great.  They had covered his eyes so he couldn't see what was going on (or see us), but he knows we were there, because later he talked about da-da rubbing his leg.  Anyway, he got all stitched up and that was that.  He has to go in and get them out in about 5-6 days.  I feel guilty for not being aware that he wasn't wearing his helmet.  Jared got his training wheels taken off not long ago and he's still not very good at riding a bike.  I should have noticed he didn't put his helmet on.  I was glad for the little things that made it easier for us today - it was 12:00 and we had already eaten lunch.  We were all dressed and even had shoes on already.  Weston was awake and in between naps.  The cell phone was charged up and I knew where Jared's insurance card was (minor details, but helpful).  So we were able to get out the door very quickly, which is particularly hard with 3 kids.  Also, I didn't hyperventilate :) and stayed as calm as a mom can.  I also was amazed at the goodness of my kids.  Owen climbed up next to Jared and rubbed his leg, Jared wanted to share his stickers with his brothers (especially saved one for Nathan who was at school), and Nathan was genuinely remorseful that Jared had gotten hurt (the "mourn with those that mourn" scripture had much greater meaning today).  Nathan said, "Oh, Jared!  I'm REALLY sorry you had to do that.  That must have really hurt."  Touched my heart to see their compassion for each other.

We were thinking today that we're pretty lucky that in 7 years, this is our 1st trip to the ER - unfortunately, I bet it won't be the last (with 4 boys...).  But we're thankful that it wasn't too bad.  Anyway, moms take note to be vigilant in helmet wearing, and have your kids watch this little video and point out what happens when you don't wear a helmet.   


Jeannie said...

Poor kid! But nice "battle scar" to tell stories about for years to come.

Next time (though I hope it's not too soon!) please leave some of your kids with me. I know how draining the ER can be for everyone!

Carrie said...

Wow, and I thought my day was rough. I'm glad everyhting worked out and you were able to make it to the ER okay. Nicholas and I rode bikes today and I'm so grateful for helmets as he scares me sometimes going down little hills. Now Jared will have a story to tell later on about his scar : )

Debora said...

Whoa- that gives me a headache just looking at it. Yep- I'll bet there will be a scar- ask Al about scars :( Glad all of the little things went well. I'm totally amazed that he didn't cry. And I'm totally glad that you "held together" :)

great grandma said...

So glad everyone is okay now. These emergencies are stressful:)! Reminds me of the time we had to take Gary to have his head sewed up... not in the ER, but at the doctor's house on his kitchen table! Gary got his from a glass sliding door, however.... and still does have a scar! Think he might have been about the same age as Jared, I'm not sure!

The Purtle's said...

poor kiddo! And poor Momma!! I'm sure that he will heal just great...faces heal really well usually! Keep ointment on it (I love Aquaphor) and that scar will be pretty. If a boy wants his face to be pretty! haha! Your boys are very precious!

Anonymous said...

The Lord's tender mercies are amazing! Sweet Jared getting hurt is so sad, but it is neat to know that everything lined up (the fact that you guys had eaten and that it wasn't nap time, etc) at the time so that it wasn't a major crisis. And really ... scars make men distinguished. ;) Hope it heals nicely.

Mamapierce said...

Ouch ouch ouch! So glad he's okay!

Micah and Alison said...

Wow! Scary and fun story at the same time...Thats awesome that Alex was able to come and be there...And yes I know how the scar thing goes...Funny thing, I remember it being a good conversation igniter and icebreaker in my dating years...hehe :)

Unknown said...

Ha! Poor Jared.

I'm impressed by the quality of that top picture, though! Nice camera action to document this for years to come ;)

Mike said...

Wow impressive! what a tough little man. Glad he's ok.

The Whacky Weavers said...

Glad Jared is okay...sounds like you all did really well. I know its hard to be calm in emergency situations but sounds like you all worked well together. Thanks for sharing and for the advice also. It was so great to get your Christmas letter with all the updates..congratulations on Weston! Am always inspired by your family and faith in God.

SarahLeeAllenBrown said...

so sorry about this!!!
p.s. cool that you got to see brady though! You're missing very cold weather here! Enjoy the warmth. ;)

Gardners said...

Poor thing! It hurts me to look at it. That's childhood for you.