Sunday, March 27, 2011

gotta love toddlers

So here's a little tip for you that have toddlers:  If you want to enjoy a shower without a crying toddler standing there, have a trail of ants near the shower.  It will quiet them right down when they see them and keep them entertained for a tantrum free shower...  but make sure you're quick to grab the towel they try to hand to you so it doesn't drag over the ants.

Yes, recently ants have found a way in our bathroom and I'm trying to bait and kill them with boric acid.  But that requires a little bit of patience, so we still have ants coming and going.  Owen usually comes crying into the bathroom while I'm taking a shower, for something Jared did or out of frustration over something.  But he also loves to hand me the towel when he hears the water shut off.  "Done Mama?"  I love my little towel holder, but sometimes I wish I could at least have a few moments of peace.  Gotta love toddlers.

Today at church was a little embarrassing, a little amusing.  Sacrament meeting was nearly over, and Owen was restless and eager to go to his nursery class.  One of his teachers was sitting just across the aisle from us, so I encouraged him to go sit with her (which she had no idea about, but I knew she wouldn't mind since he's sat with her before).  He got his little backpack on and started to head over there.  And I was encouraging him, "It's okay.  Go ahead."  But just as he got to the end of our aisle, the song leader was heading up to the stand to lead the song.  And Owen turned and followed her right up there! (I guess he thought I was telling him it was okay to go up to the stand).   Instead of trying to go after him, I let him go, so as not to cause a bigger scene.  He calmly sat down in the chair behind her and waited through the song and prayer.  Although embarrassed, I was glad to see him folding his arms during the prayer and being a good boy.  Gotta love my toddler!


Debora said...

You guys must not have the "biting" ants like we do :)
Great story about church- what a neat kid. We'll have to see what happens when he goes to church with Baba and Papa.

hollase said...

I'm a huge fan of the sugar paste/borax mix for ants. It was the only thing that worked a few years ago. The "northern" ants didn't go for it so I ended up doing a dry line of Borax at the door they were sneaking in through.

I wish there was video of your morning...that sounds like the sweetest thing. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

Carrie said...

Sometimes the shower is the only place I can have peace for a few minutes (it drowns out Ryan's whimpers and Nicholas knows by now I can't hear him that well in there). Hmmm, wonder if our water bill has gone up since I've taken a few extra minutes here and there...and I notice Mike's been taking a little longer showers lately too : ) Sad, but you grab your peaceful moments where you can...hope you can get some rare ones too.

Jeannie said...

I absolutely LOVE that he went up there! And so reverently, too! I couldn't believe how still he was, folding his arms and everything! Best part of the meeting, for sure.