Monday, January 23, 2012

weekend fun

Here are a couple of more pictures from the weekend when my parents were here.  On Friday night, they watched the boys while Alex and I went to the new Sherlock Holmes movie.  We can't remember the last time we went to see a movie in the theater.  It was nice, except for being asked by someone in front of us to be more quiet with our popcorn bag.  We didn't realize we were being so loud...  

On Monday morning, we went on a short hike to see butterflies.  Love butterflies.  The boys loved picking up the ones off the ground with sticks.   

 (thanks for the picture Mom!)

 We went out to eat on Saturday night to Chili's and to a local hamburger place on Monday for lunch (didn't take any pictures at lunch, but here's a funny one from Chili's).  Weston loves chips & salsa!


Alison said...

someone actually told you you were too loud with your popcorn...who does that...lame-os..

Debora said...

I think the picture from Chili's is pretty cute :)