Sunday, January 27, 2019

Like Mom

Savannah got a haircut in December.  Her hair was really long, and I'd asked her a few different times if she wanted a haircut.  She kept saying "no", because she was growing it long like Rapunzel's.  She did have a good start...but it was SO hard to brush through it.  The first picture is from earlier in the year, and is a good representation of what it often looked like when she woke up in the morning.  She also is extremely sensitive about brushing, so she would be in tears every time we brushed her hair.  It was a huge source of frustration for me, but I didn't want to force her to cut her hair.  One evening recently, she came up to me and said she wanted her hair cut just like mine.  I quickly got out the scissors and cut it before she could change her mind!  

I think it was shorter than she actually wanted, but it's really cute, and I know it will grow out fast.  At least we have a few months of tear free brushing... 

This doesn't have to do with her hair, but since this is Savannah's post, I'm including a picture for her.  In December, I gave a Ty Pluffies bear as part of a baby shower gift.  I chose a bear that is just like Savannah's bear-bear (aside from the color), because it's been great for Savannah.  She's had Bear-bear since she was born, and it's washable, so we can just throw it in the washer and dryer.  I showed Savannah the bear before I gave it away, and Savannah thought the bears were so cute together.  She was disappointed I was giving it away, but I took a picture for her.  

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